Exploring Math and Physics with Data Sonification
A Collaboration with Georgia Tech

Sound and data. How might these two concepts relate?

It’s been a winding path to find the links between my passions for
data, audio, and art. When I came across the space of data sonification, it was like stumbling into a community to which I belonged but never knew existed.

Data sonification = the act of translating data into sound = is a perfect union of data and audio.

Sonification is part of a larger category, called auditory display, which includes any use of sound to convey information. We’re so accustomed to looking at a chart to see a data trend, perhaps even jaded by it, but what about listening to that trend? Sonification has the power to expand data accessibility and augment one’s experience of information consumption.

I have been collaborating with the Georgia Tech Sonification Lab to continue learning about the niche field of sonification and work on audio-visual projects. One aspect of this collaboration has involved testing the Highcharts Sonification Studio (a web application co-created by Georgia Tech and Highcharts) and generating sonification output with this tool.​​​​​​​

Click on the image to visit the application.

One application of data sonification is in the educational space - imagine teachers using sound to teach basic math or physics concepts? Making the lesson multi-sensory could not only improve engagement, but could also make the concepts more accessible for blind and visually-impaired students.
With this as a potential application of the sonification studio, and the need for some prototypes, I generated a handful of basic math sonification demonstrations using HSS.
Below are some recordings of these sonification examples in HSS:
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